
Disconnecting from electronics has always been hard for me but once it happens, I find it calming. Over the weekend I was able to disconnect for about 4 hours. I couldn’t do the 24 hours. I spent those four hours eating with a friend and just walking around talking. While eating, I noticed a lot of people would have their phones out–something I would do. My friend has his phone out too and he would check it from time to time.

In the past for my birthday I rented a cabin in Topanga Canyon for myself. I wanted to get away from everything and just relax. There was no service up in the mountains but there was wifi. I spent the two days up there reading the newspaper sitting outside. I used to read the newspaper a lot but now I rarely have time. I drank wine looking at how beautiful the sky was. I showered outdoors. I did a lot that I wouldn’t have normally done surrounded by people and electronics. It did get creepy at night though being alone in the mountains. I probably wouldn’t do it again because of that.