
This week I was able to disconnect on two separate occasions for a total of 7 hours. Both occasions took place at my home. The first occasion was when my parents returned home from a week long vacation. I spent two hours (with no technology) talking to both of my parents about my past week, discussing clinicals, simulation lab, the cancellation of lecture, my other classes and assignments and of course, the details of their vacation. I spent my time catching up with my family and reflecting on the week; mine and there’s. I always enjoy spending time with them. I can tell that they appreciate spending time with me because most of the time I am up in my room studying. Another time I was able to disconnect was when my aunt came over for dinner. She came over on a Sunday night with her dog and I took a long break from studying and spent it socializing with my aunt, who I had not seen for a while. I love catching up with my aunt because she is a retired nurse and a blast to be around. I get to talk to her about my clinicals and how my experience is so far in the nursing program and it allows me to “see” the light at the end of the tunnel. Overall, I value the time I get to spend with my family and with school, that time is often limited. I have found that balancing my study time with family/social time can be challenging but is so worth it because it allows me to take a break from school, relax and refocus. My family always explains how much they enjoy it when I can spend time with them. Our time is filled with laughing, joking and sentimental discussions about life. I think this friendship and relationship I have with my family is what assists me to be a good (student) nurse. It helps me to converse with patients easily, while also picking up on subtle ques.