Discourse Community of CI Climate Symposium

Discourse Community of CI Climate Symposium

The first criterion in qualifying as a discourse community is a common goal. Educating and communicating about the threats within the ecosystem within the region and coming up with solutions to solve the problem. One of the main topics that I can imagine that would be discussed is pollution. Pollution would be a controllable effort in which multiple individuals can get together within a community and accomplish diminishing the cause.

The second criteria is the Intercommunication that goes on between the groups. Through seminars and meetings individuals within have discussion between board members and students. Written communication includes the posted scheduling online, reservations, and information inter-exchanged within the group. Intercommunication will be topic relevant information and educative.

Information and feedback is the third implication in meeting the needs of a discourse community. Meeting requires both directors and participants to communicate and reciprocate information back as to what is a good solution. And in re-defining problems that do exist. Both board members and participants will be initiating input. After participants have had time to listen and internalize the information, questions may be asked and or alternative solutions and suggestions may be expressed. This in an important factor in which collaboration contributes to powerful end results.

An established genre is another involving factor between the communities. The genres included in climate include ecosystems, geographic regions, the climate itself; and cause and effect approach along with solutions in order to resolve the issues at hand. Other subgenres include biology, biosphere, and public policy. The genre in climate can technically cover an array of topics. The topics in which are discussed at the CI symposium include the “Climate Change Paradigm Change”, (1), how acidification affects organisms living in the ocean, the impact climate change has on health, rising sea levels, and solutions.

The Specific Lexis is another important and relevant factor required that is developed over time. Specific lexis includes terminology that has already been learned such as the cascading effect. The cascading effect is how the effect of one behavior on one organism, plays a role onto the rest. Or how cars co2 impacts the layers within the biosphere. Lexis will be something that is developed over time as students develop and take an array of courses within biology or inter-relate fields. Lexis is an important dynamic as key words trigger background information relevant to topic content and solutions.

Relevant discourse and expertise plays in important impact and establishment for the community. Public policy members are important within biology because public policy plays a big role into how research is conducted as well as what scientists can do and cannot do. Biology majors are also acceptable because biology covers several subtopics including the climate. Environmentalists would be extremely acceptable because climate is a specific topic within the field. There are several topic related fields as health, policy, biology, and environment play a role into climate. The climate affects health, policy affects climate, and biology and environment are the studies within the climate.


  1. 2015 California State University Channel Islands. 1 University Drive, Camarillo, CA, 93012. CI to Host Climate Symposium”. Web. http://www.csuci.edu/news/releases/2015-climatesymposium.htm