Discussion Post (1?)

Since we are supposed to have had a small group discussion on here in a week I thought I would make a starter post.

I completed the readings last week, so my memory is a little fuzzy, but the connection I saw between all of them was that the authors agree that we are all vulnerable to the media but children are particularly at risk of being influenced. I found it interesting in the textbook when Sternheimer wrote, “Ironically, we are encouraged to fear media by the news media itself…”(p. 10). I haven’t taken that perspective before, that the media is doing damage to itself. I don’t think society ever looks at news outlets as doing the damage of media, instead choosing to focus more on pop culture as the problem.

What did you guys think of the readings? Did anything change your perspective or how you have viewed media recently?

Edit: I’m not able to make a new category to file this post under. If anyone knows how to do it will you let me know? Thanks :)