Diversity in Survivor

The survivor tribes are made up of many different members. As discussed in the chapter, “every person on this earth is different” therefore, for the most part, there is always diversity in groups. Diversity is good because as we see in all of the survivor tribe challenges, it allows a flow of different ideas and approaches.

The chapter discusses the fact that even twins bring diversity and we see that in sisters Natalie and Nadiya Anderson and brother Drew and Alec Christy. Although they were probably brought up in the same household with the same parents and similar environment, they are different because we all have different experiences, characteristics, abilities, and beliefs. A little after the beginning of the episode, they decide to change the game and change the tribes. With the new tribes, the diversity changes not only because they are now a different mix of groups but also because now they have to go through the different group stages. Since certain groups have different loved one, which adds even more diversity.

I also wanted to circle back on John Rocker who was recently voted off. He did not like disclosing who he was because people would stereotype him as an ‘egotistical jerk’ major league pitcher. In other words, he was saying that people would rely on exaggerated belief to make judgments about a group of people— in this case baseball players. However in his case, people claimed he actually made racial comments.

We also see the many types as discussed in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. For the most part I feel everyone in survivor is an extrovert defined as someone who is outward. Missy is the only character who might be an introvert but I think it was because she was turned against for a while so she was staying off the radar.

This episode shocked me because there were many changes in the group dynamics that it made it even more interesting!