Diving In On Twitter

This week on Twitter, I deviated from engaging with the 2016 presidential candidates of last week’s post as it hasn’t panned out for me so far. I will return to that avenue because I still think it would be really cool to get a response from one of them, but in order, to really engage, one must size up all the players in the game.

I sought out active Twitter users with perhaps a little more time in their schedules than Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, and came across a site that listed “People and Companies on Twitter Focused on College Affordability.” That proved to be a valuable starting point and let me to The Campaign for Free College Tuition, US PIRG, and the Wisconsin Hope Lab.

I found that US PIRG, which, in their own words, “is a consumer group that stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democratic society.” While they have engaged on college tuition talk in the past, they are quiet on the issue at the moment.

The Wisconsin Hope Lab (@wihopelab) is a research laboratory that focuses on several aspects of higher education and they have some very interesting tweets.

The Campaign For Free College Tuition (@FreeCollegeNow) has their own plans for college tuition and engages with universities and politics on a consistent basis. Out of all of the tweets that I sent out this week, this is the only one that I go a (sort of) response from. CFCT added me to one of their lists, so that’s a hint of progress! I still hope to receive a response from the president as I sent tweets both to the campaign’s page and to his personal page.

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Below are the rest of my interactions from this week and just the tip of the iceberg still for this topic. Will be looking into more ways to receive a response this week and continuing to engage.

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Until next time,


The post Diving In On Twitter appeared first on Professor In Training.