Diving into the World of LGBT (Revised)

Hello and good afternoon,

This week we dive into the world and communities of the LGBT.  As mentioned in previous blogs for the past few weeks, I have played the “Lurker” and watched events unfold from afar. I have followed a few groups while,  The Los Angeles LGBT Center, LGBT News and Human Rights Campaign being the favorite choices of the many sites available.

I have to start this article by saying that I was advised to use an alias account to research this topic, but I was reluctant to do so as I felt that I should be representing myself, and not a fictitious character. It almost felt wrong to be someone that I am not, or to mislead others into believing a lie. So with that said,  with my personal Twitter account, I became a follower of all three of the groups mentioned before.

It came as a massive shock to how much SPAM and Male hook-up sites were received almost immediately. As one that is researching the well-being of a community and how they fight for equal rights, I must say that I was set back by this type of response.  What I thought was supposed to be a community center for the LGBT of Los Angeles is more of a trolling site.  I have never experienced such a personal violation in my life. It never dawned on me that men were so free and eager to showing private parts to complete strangers over the internet. I mentioned the encounter on another feed and asked if that was normal? Being greeted with hesitation and complete dismissal, and being told that a straight man had no business being a part of a gay community came as no real surprise, it was just the tone used and the choice of language. As I mentioned before that, I have received this type of rejection before.

Part of me is saying to myself, “what were you thinking”? While the other half of me is thinking, “what’s the big deal”? If one does not understand the truth of a subject, then one must dive deeper into that topic. What I do know is that there is an entire world of LGBT that is screaming words of equality and unity. Other words ring out as well, like peace and love, and freedom for everyone. I am not going to go deep into this, but I will say, that road is a two-way street. There is a gap that is between the heterosexual world and the homosexual world, and it come together equally by BOTH sides, and not just one adapting to the other.

For the next couple of weeks, I will still be diving into the world of LGBT, but I will stick to official pages and focus on the health issues that arise day to day.

Well as I always say, keep smiling, make someone laugh out loud and have a fantastic day.



Just a little note to my many followers, in no way shape or form do I ever intend to offend or insult anyone for any reason. The topic chosen is highly sensitive and can be taken the wrong way, and I apologize in advance.