Do you know your medications?


So the assignment is to discuss medications with our family and friends, to see exactly how well they know their medications.  My mom is very aware of her medications and supplements that she takes. She takes a number of daily vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin C, ferrous sulfate and vitamin B12 in addition to cranberry supplements for her urinary tract. She educates herself on how it’s affecting and benefiting her body, when to take it during the day, and the safe amount she should be taking. She is a person who always takes the consult from the pharmacologists every time she has a prescription and will call me to discuss it with me.  She was recently on Nitrofurantoin or macrobid.  She was very on top of the reportable symptoms and really paid attention to the side effects.  She is anemic, so she was aware that she may feel more fatigued than the normal person due to her anemia and a drug that induces fatigue itself as well as worsening anemia.  She asked her physician and I about what SJS was.  My mom is a patient that wants to understand what is happening to her body and the medications she takes which in return causes better outcomes.