Drugs Drugs Drugs

I spoke with my mother and father regarding the medications they take and asked them a few questions. My dad doesn’t take any regular medications be he knew a lot about common over the counter drugs for pain and when you are sick, ect. (anti inflammatory, cold, cough, stomach pain medications). He also knows about the anti nausea/dizziness medications because he gets motion sickness sometimes when he travels. He was not really familiar with side effects to medications or the safe doses except what the bottle tells him.

My mom on the other hand has a few different health problems and has worked in the medical field for many years. Therefore, she is fairly familiar with different medications or at least the common classes of medications. She also knows a lot about alternative medications and practices. We have even used some alternative treatments. She takes a medication for her blood pressure- Bystolic (beta blocker). She knew what it is for and why she is taking it. She stated that Bystolic can cause your blood pressure to decrease too much and may cause a headache. Synthroid and Cytomel are other medications she takes due to hypothyroidism. She stated that she thinks these medications can cause tachycardia if she took too much of the drugs.th-1