Due Dates for Challenge 6: Final Project

Dark tunnel with light at the end.

Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel?? 

We are now in the final two weeks of the semester. The Weekly Schedules for Weeks 15 and 16 have been updated to reflect the due dates for the components of Challenge 6.  Be sure to take time to review the rubric before you create your slides.

Click here to view the grading rubric, a video showing how to create and submit your VoiceThread, and step by step instructions for each component in Challenge 6.

Here is an overview of your remaining due dates.

By this Thursday, December 3rd at 4:15:  Complete Challenge 6: Component 1.1: Create and submit your VoiceThread presentation.

By Tuesday, December 8th at 4:15:  Complete Challenge 6: Component 1.2: Participate in two VoiceThread Discussions.

By Thursday, December 10th at 4:15  Complete Challenge 6: Components 2.1 and 2.2: Write final blog post reflection and upload presentation file in ti Folio CI.

If you have questions, please email both of us and one of us will reply as soon as possible. We are excited to see your final projects!

best wishes,

Michelle and Jill