

My favorite electrolyte is sodium. In my opinion, it is the easiest to remember as it is frequently thought of when thinking about diet. Out of all the other electrolytes, changes in sodium is most likely to occur as people generally have a tendency to eat too much of it, thus it is highly considered when choosing foods that we eat. Also, the indications of sodium are easy to remember to as you think back to a time when you’ve eaten too much sodium and have experienced dehydration, thirst, increase in temperature and heart rate. Since I can incorporate and think of situations that would affect myself currently (on the milder side), makes sodium my favorite electrolyte.

My least favorite electrolyte is chloride. This is due to if chloride levels are low, then also sodium or potassium levels would be low which is just more that you must deal with. Also, chloride deals quite a bit with arterial blood gases, for example, in hyperchloremia, the signs and symptoms are similar to that of metabolic acidosis which adds a much more confusing aspect. With all of these considerations and my unfamiliarity of this electrolyte, makes it my least favorite electrolyte.