End Of Life Care

End of Life Care

Ever since the death of my sister I found it very hard to talk about death of even think about it. Because talking about something makes it real and gives it power. For the longest time I spoke only of life with death not a topic for conversations. Then the most amazing thing in my life happened. My beautiful amazing son was born. The epitome of life, love and compassion. Then when he turned 4 he asked. “Pappa does everything die”. This forced me to confront the issue, talk about it and think about it. So I decided I will face death but on my terms. So our family had a conversation about, end of life wishes, DNR, what procedures can be done. We even spoke about who may be in the room when procedures like CPR and intubation is done. Even when life support could be turned of.  This again really hammered home for me how I wanted to spare my family the sadness of seeing all these procedures done to me, and that only the medical staff may be in the room. I have seen CPR done and have done it myself with family in the room and I could see how seeing this brought them anguish and pain. It was a relief to be able to voice my wishes and hear my loved ones wishes. And it turns out we feel the same way. It was a cathartic moment to realize a loved one will make sure my wishes are adhered to