End of the Road

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I can still remember the first day of nursing school, thinking what a long journey laid ahead of me, three years of endless emotions and experiences. Now I am in my last week and it is unbelievable. The sensation seems unreal, time passed in the blink of an eye and just like that nursing school is over. It is an exciting feeling, yet overwhelming.  It is also unbelievable to think we will be transitioning from student nurse to a “real” nurse once we pass the NCLEX. We have learned many skills and it is time to put them to use.

I really enjoyed NRS 420 because it reviewed the majority of med surg content, it was concise and short. The book was very helpful and it had all the “need to know” information, which was pretty much the whole book :). Clinicals helped tie the material together and overall it was a great semester. An ending with a new beginning.