Engage 3

So again I engaged in social media. Via Twitter and facebook on the topic of higher education affordability . I tweeted to politicians @JebBush @HilaryClinton, and @SenSanders. I also commented or Replied to posts I saw on the topic. But to no avail how ever I did get a favorite on a post on starbucks paying for their employees education.  that I tweeted to a friend. College rather higher education in other countries is now a popular topic because of the education reform strong hold  in South Africa its been discussed for at least a week. And the starving students and strike going on at Missouri U had a few days. I feel as though these events are being looked at and talked about but not thoroughly being discussed. The ideas for improvement are there but everyone is so hush hush about it. I came across a post that had ideas and ways to make college affordable. But its only a program for certain schools. The should just branch out. I also found a  photo  on loans.