Entry #1- First Look

I have begun my project by looking at areas that have recorded sightings of the unarmored threespine stickleback fish in the Santa Clarita area. The first place I checked out was a small section of the Santa Clara River. I found a small creek with water emptying into it from an unknown source. The water closest to the source looked unhealthy and had a layer of foam floating on surface. In addition, the water was brown and it was difficult to see anything in it. I walked along the creek for about 15 minutes and did not see any fish. I thought the water was now uninhabitable until I saw a few snails and frogs moving along the bottom. Hopefully I will see some fish in the next spot I check out.


This photo shows the point source of water for the creek I found. The white areas on the surface were foam and bubbles which covered most of the surface of the pool beneath this entry point.