Episode 1 Survival Blood vs Water

As in other survivor seasons, we see the way emotions can take a toll on someone’s body, it breaks them down and leaves them hopeless. In Survivor: Blood vs. Water, we get the sense that emotions are going to flare since friends and family, are battling against each other in such a brutal cutthroat competition. In this season everyone comes with a partner whether it be a friend, wife, husband, daughter or dad, they are then split into different tribes which are the Hunahpu wearing blue and Coyopa in orange. In the first episode we already get a sense of how every constants true colors are, some are snakes in the grass, some are arrogant, and some are genuinely nice people. However once the contestants were put into a group like setting, their true intentions were put to the side and their false identities were then visible. They put on fake smiles, they talked each other up and they tried to display likeable attributes. As a long time survivor enthusiast, this is all to common, towards the middle of the season alliances will be made and they will be broken, people will get stabbed in the back and people will ultimately fall back on there word, the only thing that could truly save you is winning immunity or finding the idol, both almost impossible jobs because everyone has one goal in mind and it’s the same as the other contestant besides them, win at all costs because money talks.

In my opinion the best part of the first episode is seeing everyone’s reactions to who’s in their group, they begin to size each other up and think about who they want to form alliances with. For example, in the Hunahpu tribe, Jeremy becomes the all around good guy/ savior. He seems like a reliable player because of his performance in the first competition. The others have respect for him right off the bat because he won them there first challenge, he also seemed like a genuine guy who had real emotions and was a real guy and he wasn’t scared to display them either; Unfortunately he knocked out his wife and sent her to the deserted island. He went on saying he never wanted that to happen and he doesn’t know is he could go on in the competition if he hurts his wife in the process. This is a prime example of how emotions are going to take on a big role since everyone is pit against there loved one. In the Coyopa tribe, exactly what shouldn’t happens, happens, there’s already a few different “cliques” and they leave out all but one of there tribe members primarily because he’s old and they think he doesn’t have a good chance of impacting the group. But as the old saying goes don’t judge a book by its cover. Dale struggled to get in with the crowd because he was significantly older and that automatically put a huge target on his back. Dale and the rest of the tribe are trying to make a fire, as the younger members struggle dale successfully starts a fire. His peers start believing in him and named him the fireman.

No matter how many alliances you make in this game, the one goal that isn’t indivual is surviving, your in the wilderness with the bare necessities and if that at some point in time. You have to depend on others to help you and vice versa, the same could be displayed in the work were doing in class; we all need to pick up the pieces in order to “survive” or get a good grade. The tribe members however are on a way different scale, they need to build shelters, and start fires, as well as hunt and gather food. On top of that they have to deal with one another’s ego. One tribe member, Drew, felt as though he was the “leader” because he was building the shelter, while he as doing that other people were doing there own thing trying to start a fire looking around the island. He took it as no one was helping him and was the only one doing work, in this case communication would’ve been key all he had to do was speak up and ask the other members to help him. However he took road less traveled and started bragging and acting really cocky, which rubbed a lot of his tribe members the wrong way.