episode 10 ch9- blog 7

In episode 10 I related concepts from chapter 9. Chapter 10 deals with group decision making and problem solving.  Throughout the whole series all of the members use these theories and also contradict these theories in order to move through successfully.  The interesting thing with relating these concepts is most of the theories are based on  a groups well being as a whole and a lot of times, the members are thinking of how it can help them individually.

In chapter 9, they describe how to use decision making questions when problem solving.  There are questions of fact, conjecture, value, and policy. From what I have seen, most of the members so not use questions of value or what is morally right when they make decisions.  In episode 10,  Natalie is told by jon about his idol and even though he took out Natalie ‘ s closest ally, Jeremy,  she still stuck in their alliance.  However she, also knew she would have to betray him in the end to better her chances. This goes against many values and morals she would usually have in her every day life.

There are many different styles of decision making and different types of decision makers. You can be a rational, intuitive, dependent, avoidant, or spontaneous decision maker. I think all members are different types at different tumes. In this episode, Reed was quite a rational decision maker.  He was clever when he played both sides by persuading the tribe to go half votes for Wes and half for kieth in order to vote off Jon. He carefully considered all of the issues and made his decision rationally as well as spontaneously in order to make the best choice and use clever and creative problem solving.  In the chapter they also  describe creative problem solving. Reed definitely used the component of connecting unrelated ideas and elements in a non judgmental process.