Episode 2

In the second episode of Survivor, we begin to see what survivor is all about, that being the way groups interact with one another and become whole, or group dynamics.  The tribe members start beginning to see whose good at what and everyone is starting to get understand there role, but its still somewhat up in the air.  On top of that were starting to see relationships being built and established.

In this episode the yellow tribe fell short again, this can be credited to poor decisions and a lack of communication.  There isn’t a sense of camaraderie in the yellow group which is definitely hurting them, there split in two different sub groups as well which is going to be there downfall unless they join hands and get there acts straight.   From personal experience when your working in groups you need to be joined together or else more than one group within your group wants to do things a different way.  Once that happens your team will not only meet its demise but you wont get any work done and will only be taking steps backwards.  In order to fix this they need to communicate, and create relationships. The yellow team also lacks a strong sense of leadership and that may be why they lost yet again.  Once they establish a leader they could then start wining and wont send another tribe member home.

Task roles, maintenance roles, and self-centered roles are the three fundamental roles and they can be seen both tribes, as everyone is starting to come into there own.  In this game you need to remain neutral but realize your ultimate goal and thats win. However if you continue to pick up one of these three roles you’ll be a valued member to your group and they’ll need you.  Therefore you have to be willing to make yourself available and still realize your in this game for yourself.