Episode #2 Survivor

The second episode of survivor revealed the needs of the tribe members. Josh showed a need for inclusion in his tribe  Coyopa when he took both sides in elimination.  In the end Josh did what he thought came more to his convenience when it came to eliminated someone in his group. Josh put up Baylor for elimination acting like it was all part of his plan to make the guys think he agreed with them.  In my opinion Josh had a hidden agenda to eliminate Baylor. Josh also seemed dishonest in this episode.

      Val and Baylor showed the need for control when they where deciding to vote Dale out because he came off to them as weak to their tribe. A personal member in the Hunahpu tribe is Natalie because she doesn’t show feeling towards the guys in her group Natalie she is self motivated. In the Coyopa tribe Jeremy is a overpersonal member when he builds a relationship with everyone in his group and acts like he takes a personal interest in him. Jeremy is really friendly with his group and finds ways to make things go his way.

In the Hanahpu tribe John plays a self-centered role by being selfish in finding idols first instead of figuring out with his tribe why they are not winning the challenges. Lastly, Val came off as very assertive when she put Baylor on the spot by revealing to everyone what Baylor’s plans were which Made everyone question who she was loyal to. Val was trying to cover her self by saying the truth and to probably have lesser chances of being eliminated. This episode had the groups competing harder to get saved from the isolated island.