Episode #3

On this episode the tribes really get pushed to new pressured nights. It begins with a very bitter start by Jeramys wife leaving. John is trying to “protect” Val (Jeramys wife) but failed to do so when she was kicked off the last episode.  Tensions run high between John and Jeramy.  Josh is still in a great spot to keep himself in the game. John is really digging a whole for himself with his tribe with his negativity and once everyone on the show finds out that he had said some racist comments as a pro baseball player.  In the first challenge the tribes is a speed and balance activity. Its Wes against his father Keith. It was a good contest between the two and Keith had the lead for most of the game but a slight slip up allowed his son Wes to take the lead and win the challenge, sending Keith and Josh get sent to exile islands. Emotions run extremely high when Keith is taking to his son after the game. The orange team was then choose to get fishing gear as their prize.  John catches a fish thus making himself an asset to have on the orange team. The last challenge of the episode is a maze like field and has a hoop that you need to shoot a ball through. Both teams look strong as the game starts. It gets heated when John is acting and saying very disrespectful things to the other team. There was a lot of lying and plotting this episode but in all I’m glad to see John leave.