Episode 3

Ding Ding Ding guess what guys, the orange team won there first challenge and were safe tribal council. This episode we actually saw them citing like a team, they were cheering one another on, they acted like an actual unit which is a good change and hopefully we see a brighter future fir the yellow team.

This episode we saw our first look at twisted strategy, when Drew goes and loses the challenge on purpose to kick someone out of the tribe.  He felt as though he was eliminating all of the weak links, however because of his actions the girls went after him.  It was good to see  Drew go home because he was pretty lazy he didn’t do much and still felt like he was superior than others.  Of course he was confident that he wasn’t going home this week and of course he was definitely shocked when his name was called five times and ultimately sent home.

We know now how strategy can either make or break you.  The same goes in real life but in a lesser extreme your not getting voted off of an island, but you could potentially exile yourself from the group which is just as bad.  You want to get along with your team, you want to be a productive member, and when it comes to making decisions behind someones back its hardly a good idea.  I feel as though I’m starting to finally make actual real life comparisons, we all run into situations like this and we might be on either side.  It sucks but its part of the gamer I suppose.

Other than that I’m excited that blue team finally knows how it feels to send someone home hopefully this makes them even more of a powerhouse but makes them closer, but this could go either two ways, one they drop everything and start working to be a closer group or no ones going to trust anyone and the blue team might suffer.