Episode 3

Tension really grew this week when the two teams met up and Jeremy realized that Val had been voted off and sent home even though he had created an alliance with John who was supposed to be protecting his wife and vice versa. Jeremy said that the next person who would go home on his team would be John’s girlfriend, but as the episode later revealed, something similar happened. There was conflict that came up between the orange tribe and due to John Rocker revealing some of his true colors it can be identified as affective conflict. Jeremy told his blue team about why everyone vaguely recognized John and his team ended up yelling at the orange team to just vote him off, which they eventually ended up doing! It was silly of John to reveal his alliance with Jeremy and to lie to his face and apologize for letting Val be voted off, when he himself voted for her to leave the island! He also made a comment about another team member being a girl in a negative tone, which didn’t sit well with me as a viewer, and didn’t fly with his team either. John’s ego was so large that he didn’t even use the immunity idol that he had taken with him to tribal council because he was sure that Dale was the person that everyone was referring to as being the next player to leave the island. He’s just an idiot and I’m glad he’s gone. But, for the people left playing the game it could have been a rookie move, sending someone so stupid home so early, they could of kept him around for a while and used him for this physical strength until he became worthless, and then sent him home. Thankfully he’s gone though so we don’t have to watch him look like an asshole.