Episode 3

In the last episode, it ended with the orange tribe at tribal council with Val being voted off. However, Baylor was close behind in votes. In episode three, Baylor expresses her anger about almost being voted off and instead of talking to her tribe about it, she uses avoidance and says she will fight for herself.

With the blue tribe, they realize their roof needs some work and they come together to weave a new roof. All except Drew, which leads to conflict. With his decision to take a nap instead of helping, the tribe begins to get frustrated leaving Natalie to, in a constructive way, confront him about his behavior as a procedural conflict. There will not be good group cohesion if Drew continues to do his own thing.

Jon and Jeremy last episode agreed to look after each-others girls. However, Val was sent home leading to frustration from Jeremy. With his anger, he took to bad talking Jon to his tribe. Jeremy is showing competition conflict style because it is more important to him to release his anger  about John than being a good group member and letting the tension leave. He causes a destructive conflict and upsets Jons girlfriend and makes her feel like she is alone in the tribe.

There was major conflict between the two tribes during the immunity battle. With Jon, in the orange tribe, showing some aggression, Natalie, blue tribe, decides to take a stand and begins to talk bad about Jon and toward Jon. Jons girlfriend tries to stick up for him but then backs off when he shows more aggression. The orange tribe stuck up for Jon saying that as a member of their tribe they have his back, but you could tell they were frustrated with his actions. Both Josh and Baylor admitted their frustration after going back to camp.

The orange tribe ended up losing the challenge so they had to go back to tribal council for the third time in a row. Jon tries to manipulate the tribe to get Baylor out but ends up being voted out. The tribe decided behind his back in a collaboration conflict style, they wanted to change how they have been doing things and vote out the male even though his strength is helpful to the team. They took time to plan a way to get him out without him noticing to be able to get rid of his negativity.