Episode 3

Conflict and cohesion is written all over the third episode. It begins with affective conflict combined with Procedural conflict, the example being Drew giving up on the idea to contribute to the groups method in strengthening their hut, their living arrangement because of future concerns, storms being one of them. He chose to be lazy and not be a team player, it caused tension and members expressed their feelings.

We then face procedural conflict from a previous alliance formed but results exposed till this episode when Jeremy notices that his wife was no longer in the competition and was voted off the island. The promise was between John and Jeremy which was to protect each others wife, that was not the case in this circumstance. It brought tension and words were expressed. Jeremy expresses his feeling of betrayal from John which in a way back fires for John showing his alliance that he had never mentioned this strategy to them, this allows for others in his tribe to see that he continues to be sneaky and playing behind others backs.

The conflict continues but towards the tribes, back and forth with each other especially during and after one of the challenges. It became physical and aggressive throughout the challenge to the point where it became done on purpose. Affective conflict took a lead and showed more of its meaning while words were exchanged out of anger from John past and beliefs to statements he had previously mentioned as once being an athlete which shocked people in the opposite tribe and they decided to voice their thoughts.