Episode 4

In episode 4 some of the tribe members are integrated now well start seeing even more alliances form and back being stabbed because surprise surprise we know have some tribe members with there significant other.  Theres about four members who now have there other partner with them, so this is definitely going to get interesting, because no ones going to be able to trust anyone.  I think this is a definite downfall for the tribes because everything was somewhat working, they had set alliances a d everyone was starting to fall into there own roles.  Everyone is going to start loping out for themselves and there partner instead of the tribe as a whole.

The original members of the Hunahpu tribe have know become overrun by the Coyopa tribe members who were integrated in there tribe.  There now scared that this is going to lead to them being kicked off because there now outcasts there not members of there tribe anymore there members of the other tribe essentially.  Jeremy and Natalie the two members of the original Hunahpu tribe made an alliance between themselves and there trying to get new members to join up with them, this might not work because they don’t really know the other group that well yet, it might give them the look that they aren’t searching for and ultimately lead to there defeat.

In all we see a lot of self interested group members and not a lot of team play.  By now we know everyones technique and know if there introverted or extroverted, many have to be extroverted in order to make alliances but its not all real most of what there saying is a facade, there true emotions are hidden and you can tell by there body language, posture, and there overall demenor.  This might stem from intimidation like they drew wanted to kick out kelly because he thought of her to be the most skilled member.