Episode 4

Tonights episode had quite a turn!

Tonight they decided to change up the teams the blue team had all singles except for one couple and the yellow team is all couples and one single. In class today we talked about diversity and how important it was to have diversity in groups, this episode truly explained why diversity is strongly needed in order to have a good team to survive.

In the one challenge they had it was pretty much couples verses the singles and it was truly a game changer for everyone and rude awaking for the couples.

The blue team is the team of singles and they won the challenge with a huge lead. They won the challenge before the yellow team was able to start playing the game. They were able to win because they were able to come together in the time they had to get to know each other and become a team. They learned who their new player were and what they brought back to the table. They came together and won as a true, strong tribe.

The yellow team however fell apart. The team with all the couples weren’t able to come together and work as a team. They didn’t take the time to get to know each other as a team. They all went their separate ways and when they divided they fell.

Diversity was definitely shown in this episode and it proved tonight that diversity is needed to be a strong and successful team.