Episode 4

The theme that I saw was most prevalent in this week’s episode was conflict. Every episode focuses on how the teams are competing, but this week we saw some real conflict in the Hunapu starting with Drew trying to be the team leader and trying to barter with Jeff, trading their flint for some of the fishing gear that they lost previously. After making many of the group members uncomfortable bringing up the idea for a trade already, Drew proceeded with his plan with no sympathy given from Jeff. Then, after Jon won the reward challenge he sent Drew to go with his girlfriend Jacqueline to exile island.

Once Drew was sent to exile island Jon sensed some internal conflict with sending someone he trusts, but is also a ladies man to a deserted island with his girlfriend. While on the island Drew revealed his true intentions to throw the challenge so that he can get someone voted off of his tribe. This is the opposite behavior of groupthink, which is when the entire group thinks as a whole and get caught in a rut. Drew laid out his ulterior motives to getting ahead in the game, and showed his true colors that he was willing to play dirty to get ahead.

As he claimed, Drew threw the immunity challenge and started his plot to get Kelly voted off. But there lies his folly, by trying to force the one large group to form into smaller gender based groups, the tribe members spread even further apart, with four different names getting called at tribal. Eventually it was Drew who was sent home. His own plan backfired due to him wanting constant control. Keith also came into conflict with Jeremy this episode and Jeremy was not pleased at all. This early on in the game I think alliances are crucial, and the fact that Keith threw one away with one of the best players in the game was a very bad move on his part.