Episode 4

On the fourth episode we come back with the result that John has been voted off the Island. People in the opposite tribe seem happy and surprisingly his girlfriend mentions that she is fine. If we go back to the text it explains how gender roles have a big part in how you deal with conflict and the different in male and female in reacting to it. In this case it was a female, Julie, meaning that they are more likely to avoid conflict. She spoke peacefully in how she had to focus on her two feet and be with her tribe.

In the next challenge presented to them John goes against his girlfriend and wins the challenge sending her to exile accompanied by Drew. Being in exile Drew finds his inner competitiveness and promises himself to do what it takes in his mind to win the game and throws the next challenge on purpose. He feels as if hes the leader and that his manipulations will help him to reach the top.

Once everyone is back together the girls notice that the boys are in complete confusion of who to vote in, the girls in a way see it as a chance to show that they can possibly change the game by getting rid of a male whose negative towards the team. This shows gender, the girls being underdogs in a way, slowly making a play that can help them out in the long run. Voting comes up and they manage to get Drew voted off the Island, giving the girls a victory.