Episode 4 Blog #3 Hot Mess

Now that John was eliminated in the last  episode  the game continues. Hanahpu found the flint after they  had already replaced it with a second flint and they want the fishing gear because they  are starving. Drew  has an idea to exchange the second flint for the fishing gear  and that is  when substantive  conflict occurs  because everyone else thinks it is  a dumb idea to ask Jeff Crossword. Everyone  in the Hanahpu  tribe knows  that Jeff will say no except for Drew since Jeff had said no the last time they tried  to exchange their  reward. An example of affective conflict is  when Jeremy and Keith in the Hanahpu tribe. They have differences  in personalities and communication styles because Keith told the group that Jeremy had an idle when in reality Keith had it and when Jeremy found out he  was disappointed because  he felt that Keith should of asked him if he had  the idle not the whole group. I think that Keith should of asked Jeremy  if he really had an idle because Jeremy didn’t even have it and Keith ended up looking bad.

An example of  Procedural conflicts  is when it was Hanahpus’ turn to eliminate someone and a disagreement among the group members was made. The disagreement was when Keith told everyone that they should  eliminate Jeremy for having an idle. Drew told  the guys to eliminate Kelly because he felt that she was  a competition while everyone disagreed.Jeremy wanted them to eliminate Keith for telling everyone that he had an idle when in reality he didn’t. The  girls didn’t like the idea that Kelly should be  eliminated so they wanted Drew  to be eliminated. When Hanahpu  showed up for elimination everyone showed constructive conflict because they didn’t know who to choose to eliminate and they all wanted someone different  to leave the group. With everyone arguing over  who should  of  left this caused  destructive conflict. If drew would of not said that Kelly should of not been the target for elimination then he  would of had a higher chance of staying. This  episode was really intense and I liked it I just hope  that  the  next episode is just as intense.





A procedural conflict is when