Episode 4 Blog 4

Survivor Blog #4 Diversity Chapter 4
In this Chapter it goes over Extroverts-Introverts, Judger-Perceivers, Thinkers-Feelers, and more. Extroverts are outgoing and expressive, Introverts are more reversed and private. Thinkers are tasks oriented and feelers are more people oriented. Judgers value organization and structure and Perceivers value flexibility and spontaneity. These are some of the MBTI personality traits.
In episode 4 Julie finds out that her boyfriend is voted off. John was known to be a little prejudice which made people not like him and ended with him off Survivor. She explains that she had to shelter her self and focus on what she was doing and not him. She didn’t allow her first thoughts or feelings come out before she thought about them. This makes her an Introvert for keeping private, and a thinker for being able to control her feelings about her loved one and made a plan about how to stay on the show.
Also on the blue tribe Drew took the incentive to speak up and try to make a trade for the flint (they “lost” before) for some fishing gear they won an episode ago. No one wanted to say anything, even though if it could have been traded it could have helped the tribe greatly. Drew explains this and goes for it. Even though he is turned down he demonstrated some personality traits. He is an Extrovert for speaking up first and for being expressive. He also could be a thinker because he understood that there was a chance they could gain something and went at it at a direct way and was firm about it. These two people demonstrated these personality traits throughout episode four.
Claire Campagna Comm220-02