In this episode, a big twist is added. Certain members of each tribe are redistributed and some family members and loved ones are reunited again.  At least three or four of the couples and family members were reunited which could either be beneficial for their tribe or hurt their tribe. In my opinion, I think it would be beneficial for the tribe because they have a much greater bond with each other which creates initiative to want to succeed more and help those loved ones out. This could test their ability to work together or it could be thrown back in their face and could cause arguments and disagreements because those members weren’t originally part of that tribe.

However, these two tribe members by the name of Jeremy and Natalie don’t have loved ones on their tribe so they decided to create an alliance between themselves. The original Hunahpu tribe is overrun by the Coyopa tribe and this put them at a disadvantage because they are outnumbered and this could possibly create a better chance for them to be voted off by the other tribe. Jeremy and Natalie knew that they were at a disadvantage so they tried to accumulate as many tribe members as possible in their alliance. I feel like this is going to bite them in the butt because their going to disclose all this information to the other tribe member and it could be used against them in the elimination.