Episode 4 post #3

In episode four “Were a hot mess”  for once I felt like the show has taken more of a  focus on tribe Hanaphu with things finally starting to go south for them. The show starts off right away with Hanaphu finding the flint that they lost and  having conflicts over if they should try to bargain with the host Jeff Crossword for some of their old fishing gear.  I thought that the whole episode had examples of substantive conflicts because the whole time the show was focused on Hanaphu and how they couldn’t come to an agreement on any  issues and decisions. For example, when the whole tribe was trying to get their shelter better situated not everyone agreed on who should be doing what and they ended up being frustrated with  drew  for sleeping and not doing  anything productive around the camp.

In the middle of the episode I thought that Keith and Jeremy were in a affective conflict because Jeremy thought that Keith and him were both alliances but Keith went around to the other tribe members and told them that they should be careful to trust Jeremy because he had an idle.  When Jeremy found out  he decided to try to take Keith out of the game next.  Another type of conflict was procedural conflict because Hanaphu could not decide as a tribe who to vote out after they had lost a challenge for the first time against Coyopa. When they lost I thought the whole team just flipped upside down. Hanaphu went from being a tribe that was very friendly with each other to being very agitated and confused with no one knowing who to vote for in elimination.

When all the chaos was happening with Hanaphu Drew and Kelly were in a destructive conflict because Kelly was insulting drew because he couldn’t get over the fishing gear and she was verbally attacking him over it. I personally thought that it had a lot to do with him getting eliminated at the end of the episode.  Although Kelly did talk a lot of crap about Drew I have to say that I probably would have done the same because Drew really had  an avoidance conflict style. Drew has this style because he would always be unwilling to accomplish anything that would contribute to his tribe or achieving any of their goals. This episode was very entertaining to watch since we finally go to see some drama from the other tribe and I hope that we get to see more in the next episode.