episode #4 We’re a hot mess

As always the episode starts out with a brief recap of the last episode. In the last episode the orange team voted John off the island which i believe was a good move on their teams part. For the first challenge of the episode is John vs. his girl friend Jacqueline. Its starts with Jacqueline in the lead but John then got focused and took the lead and won the challenge. When Blue won they got a choice between a great meal to cook over a fire or comfortable things to make a bed with. Diversity in groups plays a huge part in all groups and now that the show has gotten past the first few episodes personality are really coming out.  The fact that everyone is so age different brings different energy and different motivations. The orange group is very eager to win a challenge and not have have to fear being voted off the islands. Keith finds an idol by the well in his camp. He had blamed Jeramey for finding it before him breaking their alliance. The orange team finally won their first challenge and do not have to kick someone off their team. Drew on the blue team lost it for his team on purpose so he can try and vote some of the women that are on his team. This is a massive move and in my opinion is very dangerous. The groups have been working well together for the most part but when everyone in the group has a different goal it makes thing conflicting. On the blue team they are creating somewhat of a girls vs guys group. Drew was voted off of the blue team which i think is a smart move of the teams part.