Episode 5

We start this episode with John who’s trying to rekindle new alliances because his passed one may just come back to bite him in the butt. John pleads went to Jeremy who is a pretty strong player and essentially asks for forgiveness but Jeremy gives him a 50/50 acceptance. John feels like he’s gone to far into his own personal goals and as a result he doesn’t have the chance to dig himself out and hell be voted off. The eventual tribe-swap relinquished John of his fear of being targeted.

Jeremy trys to form an alliance with both him and Natia. Dale doesn’t like his new tribe he feels like there selfish and don’t care abut everyone else that’s why they go ahead and eat more irce than they should, and use scare items like htere nothing. Dale views feels like these players are not only harmful for the group but deserve to get kicked out. The copoya have retained the inability to effectively communicate they don’t have there group in myind maybe? In all I feel this episode was on point with wat weve been learning in class, we see how one person can mess up the group. We also see who one group working as a whole unit ultimately wins.