Episode 5

In this episode, a major game changer took place where several members were reassigned to the tribes. Four of the couples were reunited and given the opportunity to work together in the competition. While this proved to be a benefit for some, it also gave others a disadvantage. A lot of communication between new and old tribe members had to occur and a great deal of listening was necessary in the groups.

In the new Hunahpuh tribe, Jeremy and Natalie were put in a bad place under the realization that they were now outnumbered by the 3 original Coyopa tribe plus their teammate Reed, who would undoubtedly join the his boyfriend from said tribe. Jeremy and Natalie, original Hunahpuh members and singles, moved aside in order to set up an alliance between the two of them. They also spoke to Alec, an original Coyopa member, in hopes of bringing him into their alliance. Alec listened to understand what both people were saying and contemplate their offer.

The new Coyopa Tribe lost the elimination challenge, creating a huge problem as for who to vote off. Three couples and one single could have been an easy choice, but after some conflict between members, it quckly became a difficult situation. Conflict erupted between Dale and Missy, and it was evident that each wanted to get the other off. With both having their loved ones on the same tribe, it was up to Jon and Jaclyn to listen to each pair in order to figure out who to make an alliance with. Jon and Jaclyn both had to listen to evaluate before making a final decision on which couple to vote with and which person to vote off of the show.