Episode 5

This week I think that chapter eight applied really well to the episode. There was a lot of conflict starting from the very beginning when Jeremy realized that Jon would be trying to make his amends before continuing on in the game with his tribe members. Also, with the whole switch up of the tribes conflict was clear with the new food situation. At Hunapu food was scarce, and their lack of preparation for the days and days to come was silly. At Coyopa, they had been dealing with smaller portions but were feeling alright, knowing that they had enough food to feed themselves for the coming weeks.

One big issue with conflict in this episode wasn’t even mentioned; the lack of communication between the members of Coyopa during the immunity challenge. There were three couples on the team which should of led them to communicate effectively and quickly because they are aware of the personal styles of the other half to their couple. Speaking and walking the rest of your team through a challenge really is the best way to get the most accomplished as quickly as possible. They were even told by Jeff how to move forward in the game with shaking the pole with sandbags because they couldn’t work it out on their own.

When it came to voting someone off, I was shocked to see Kelly go, I was really hoping that they would use this opportunity to get Baylor out and break up the Missy Baylor couple. The different members of the tribe were working to get Jon and Jacqueline’s votes, but the couple never really clarified who they were aligning with. But, they voted off Kelly, threatened by her an her dad’s intelligence as a pair. I really hope the teams can get their act together and realize that conflict will arise inevitably, but they need to learn to overcome it and all of the obstacles that it brings.