Episode 5 “blood is blood” Chapter 4 blog post #4

In “blood is blood” The show takes a big twist and the two tribes are forced to change teams. So now some people end up being teamed up with their loved ones. For some people like Jon it is seen as a good thing but for others like Josh and Reed is could be a threat to them since they could count as two votes in elimination. Also, now that the two groups have been changed so has the deep diversity within the two groups. With new members it means that people’s skills and strengths are different which are really going impact the tribes.

I thought that Missy had a  prejudice against Dale because of what her daughter Baylor had told her about how Dale has been picking on her and trying to get out of the competition.  I personally thought that it is not justified for Missy to think badly of Dale since Missy wasn’t on that tribe and hadn’t seen what Dale was like. I think its safe to say that the extrovert in Hanahpu is Jeremy because he is the one that’s very outgoing and sociable in that tribe. The introvert in Hanahpu to me is Julie since she really hasn’t said a word all episode and she keeps to herself a lot.  In the Coyopa tribe I think that Jon and Jaclyn are both the extrovert because they are both very liked by the rest in their tribe since with their vote they could potentially take some of the game very easily. The introvert that I thought was in Coyopa was Keith since  he is the only single he tends to keep to himself since he feels like the “odd man out”.

By the time Coyopa got to elimination I thought that Jon and Jaclyn were the judgers  because it was ultimately up to them who was to be kicked out next. Also, I thought that Dale and Kelly were the thinkers because they were the ones that were thinking logically about who to have team up with them for elimination.  This episode was pretty intense and shocking with the tribes being changed around, I have to say I didn’t see that coming. I honestly didn’t like the teams that were chosen since I feel like their is a bit of a disadvantage in the group.