Episode 5 “Blood is Blood” Chapter 4 Blog post#4

In this episode the Coyopa tribe is shocked to see that Drew was eliminated. Some of the members in the groups are switched back to couples. Some of the couples are happy to have their loved ones in the same tribes and their glad to play a new game especially John and Jacklyn. For Josh and Reed they feel like they have higher chances of being eliminated. For new groups the deep diversity has now changed. Dale feels like he needs to use his idol now that he feels alone in the tribe and everyone else is with their loved ones. In the Coyopa Tribe Baylor is getting some rice with her mom and Dale is bothered with her getting more rice then needed. Baylor tells Missy that Dale has been trying to get her out of the competition and Missy is being prejudice towards Dale because he dislikes her daughter. I think that Missy shouldn’t be prejudices towards Dale because she doesn’t know how Dale has been in that tribe.

The Judgers in the Coyopa tribe are John and Jacklyn because they get to judge Missy, Baylor, Dale, and Kelly and choose who looses their loved one. Dale is the thinker because he has reasons to eliminate others. The introvert in the Hanahpu tribe is Kelly because she keeps everything to herself and doesn’t seem to communicate with her tribe members. John and Jacklyn would be the extroverts in the Coyopa tribe because they are a very liked couple. The intuitive in the Coyopa tribe would be Dale in my opinion because he knows who to eliminate and sees the big picture. The perceiver in the Hanahpu tribe is Jeremy because his wife has been gone and now that some couples are together he is willing to get closer to other tribe members that he wouldn’t think of getting close to. I think that Jeremy is finding new strategy’s to stay in the game longer. This episode was intense because the some of the tribe members where united and seeing them work together made the game a little different.