Episode 5 Chapter 4

This episode began with a tribe swap which changed the complexity of the game. The Hunahpu tribe ended up with only one pair of loved ones while the Coyopa tribe only had one individual without a loved one. It seems like the dynamics of the two tribes are beginning to  change causing diversity among the groups. In the Coyopa tribe, Keith seems to be the odd man out making him believe that he might be the one to get voted off the island. The Hunahpu tribe of strangers seemed to be communicating better than the Coyopa tribe of loved ones causing the Hunahpu tribe to win the challenge. Personalities seemed to be definite when Missy used her feelings to decide her actions. For example, after hearing that Dale tried to vote her daughter, Baylor, off the island, she based her actions off of her negative feelings towards Dale. Missy and Baylor then encouraged the other tribe members to vote either Dale or his daughter off the island. The conflict of the diversity within the group also emerged while Missy was making rice for the group. Dale tried to inform Missy to use less of the rice in order to save some rice for future days on the island. Missy then went against Dales orders causing conflict between the two.  Missy’s customs from her previous tribe caused conflict with Dale because he was used to rationing the rice rather than using it all up. In the end, the majority of the Coyopa tribe decided to voted Kelly off the island.