Episode 6

In Episode 6 of Survivor Blood vs. Water, members of each tribe had a lot to think about from the previous episode. The things that happened after the switch up on the last episode, had quite an affect on the members actions and emotions.  Tribe Coyopa had some internal conflict that reflected the last vote-off. Dale’s daughter was previously voted off which obviously hurt Dale very much and it was easy to see. Not only was he upset about the vote-off, but he was also  worried that they were planning on voting him off next. He had no real bases for this thought except for the fact that the last person voted off was his daughter. So he had a motivation to make an alliance in order to save himself. He tried to make an alliance with Jon in order to save himself. He even gave Jon a fake “idol” in exchange for Jon to save him from elimination.

The Hunahpu Tribe was having a lot of trouble with their food situation and rationing. The tribe failed to ration their rice and this created some issues. With a week to go, they barely had enough food to last them a couple days.  This not only will make the tribe frustrated and agitated, but they will not have enough energy to complete the next challenges. In order to receive another bag of rice, The Hunahpu Tribe had to give up all of their comforts to get one bag of rice. Hunahpu was basically starting from the very beginning which created a lot of tension.   This could have been a problem caused by Groupthink. This is when a group has problems with their efficiency and it is defined by Yale University Psychologist, Irving Janis. He calls it, ” a mode if thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative course of action. It also refers to a deterioration of mental efficiency reality testing, and moral judgement that result in-group pressure.” This can inhibit the flow of information and promote carelessness. Which was basically what happened when the tribe failed to ration their food.

In the next challenge, they had to run through a series of obstacles blindfolded. They had to find a mask and memorize it. The next part of the challenge was to use puzzle pieces to recreate the mask. The reward of this challenge was a BBQ. So the fact that  Hunahpu won the challenge definitly helped the fact that they didnt ration their food.