The previous episode ends with Kelly, Dale’s daughter getting kicked out at tribal council. With his daughter gone, he fears that he will be going home because of the fact he has not proved himself to his team members. The first challenge deals with being blindfolded. When being blindfolded, they had to untie bags of puzzle pieces and then go to the second part where they have to recreate the mask. They have to pick the strongest competitor to compete. Reed competes for Hunahpu and Baylor plays for Coyopa. Reed wins for his team, but she still ends up crying just like Baylor. You could tell that they were very stressed out. Natalie goes to Exile Island with Baylor. At the Hunaphu tribe, they end up having a huge barbeque all thanks to Reed’s win. Next comes the immunity challenge, which involves racing up over a tall wall. Hunaphu wins the challenge like they always do, which leaves Coyopa to tribal council. Dale ends up getting kicked off because they feel like they cannot trust him.
In this episode, I noticed that both teams showed defensive behaviors that we read about in our book.