Episode 7

Chapter 10 is probably the best chapter to use to compare to Survivor because the entire series is conflict in groups. The main one this episode is the million-dollar decision is made by Julie. This was a conflict within herself, but her actions caused there to be a group conflict. Jeremy has to now use argumentation to get more players on his side because he is down one member that he knows of. Josh will need to get the players in his alliance to get stuck in a groupthink and not be able to think for themselves. Also critically to stay in the game you must have at least six people on your side, and both the main players Josh and Jeremy need to strengthen their alliances to make sure that they will get to the best vantage point to stay in the game the longest. Cooperative argumentation that we see the couples doing within each other but do not participate with the rest of the tribe as a whole. It is vital in this game to have other players see you as a smart and pragmatic person and with cooperative argumentation you can get the answers to your question as to if this person is someone who you want on your alliance.