eReader Children as Consumers

Like Sonia this article also stood out to me. While reading this I thought why can’t adults learn to teach their kids to ask questions about what is going on on TV. I want to know why can’t the older generation explain the message that the commercials are trying to give and correct the minds of the youth and tell them that we don’t agree with this advertisement. As I got further into this article the author did mention that they do believe in educating children to understand the purpose of context of marketing so that they can interpret commercial communications. I think this is also the target for (AML). I hope that in the next few years to come media literacy is being taught more in schools because children in America are watching the most commercials. Another part that surprised me while reading was  that there is still ways to get around the codes that they enforce on television commercials. Like in the UK they banned junk food ads that are aimed to children under the age of 16 however commercials can still be played during family shows so there still is a way for children to be watching these commercials. Reading this article was hard because we know what the problem is and for now it still hasn’t been fixed.