
The University of Michigan article talked about the influence of media on children


I asked my sister a few questions, like what do you think about commercials on drinking and smoking.

I also asked  her about children in movies, and how they always fall victim. They always get themselves into a situation where they need help. My sister said: “Kids can solve things on there own, they’re not always helpless.” It made her feel bad, but isn’t this how real life is? I have always thought Kids do always need help, they don’t know how to handle certain situations. That’s why its like this in the movies.


The “core-concepts: fundamental” article talked about seven specific in-school activities? Uhm what are they?

Why does America put the junk food at the eye level of children? A piece of candy is cheaper than a bag of nuts .. so it would be more cost effective to have the expensive healthy stuff at eye level. OR!!! do they feed us junk food so that we spend more money on healthcare and medicine?


So many different countries have banned certain types of advertising and the U.S says they can’t do that, they were full of excuses. A good point is brought up, if there is no financing available, for children’s programming then they watch adult shows + thats not going to work.