
I chose the second bullet scenario which has to do with seeing another student in which I have unresolved conflict with.

Principals 5 – Show respect and dignity for other individuals, 6- Understand your own personal bias and avoid imposing this bias on others, and 7- Continue to deal appropriately when working with persons whom you feel some aversion are the most applicable in this situation because no matter what you should always treat other with respect,  whatever is going on between me and another student/student leader is between us and I should not give a bias opinion to another student about the student I am having conflict with, and whether the other person and I do not like it, we have to work together in order to accomplish a common goal/task.

Some different ways in dealing with this situation is to always act appropriate with this other person, or to try and talk to this person about how we can resolve whatever the situation is, because sometimes people just need a good talk to realize that the person they have conflict with is not an enemy and can actually end up having a lot in common and turn out be friends or really great friends.

Some consequences of follow up actions are just not coming up with a resolution and just making things worse than they were before.

The second scenario I chose was if I was attracted to person I have tutored and I asked for a “go between” friend to see if he had interest in me as well.

Principles 8- Act appropriately when working with persons for whom you feel attraction and 9- Knowing and managing my emotional response, while helping another, is crucial to your own well-being and to your ability to help, because sometimes you cannot deny feelings but knowing how manage those emotions is very important.

Some different ways of dealing with this situation is by really thinking through all the different possibilities that can come from either a.) getting together or b.) just maintaining the relationship  we already have.

Some consequences could be getting together, not working out and then ruining the relationship in which we initially had.