Ethics Statment

I am lucky that in my current position as a student assistant, this is not the first time I am having a discussion on ethics in a peer mentor situation. During training this was something that we went over quite a bit. The definitions that were given to us are aspects that I agree with so much that I would put them into my own statement of ethics.

Integrity-Firm Adherence to a code, An unimpaired condition, the quality or state of being complete and undivided

Within that is broken down even more. It is at all times showing character, honesty, and making appropriate choices.  It is showing a  commitment to act in a socially responsible way, that takes in the feelings of others and how actions can have an impact on the greater whole.

To me acting ethically, especially in any kind of leadership role, is part of the CI way. Which is at times a seemingly ambiguous and amorphous statement. But if you go to CI you understand. Its almost just what you do. Its being integrity and excellence. Its doing your best to be your best.

AND all of those sound easy. Saying it is easy. Acting ethically is hard. It can be tough choices and working hard not to make dumb mistakes. Its not using power or accesses for personal gain. Which even in peer leadership positions is possible. People can tell you private things or you could have access to private data-grades or even financial records.  That kind of informational power could and some peoples cases does corrupt. And resources and time when I am at work belong to serving the students. Especially in a paid position like mine where my salary comes from student fees.

My statement of ethics is to follow what I was taught, from even when I what in elementary school character counts-Honesty, Respect, Fairness, Responsibility, Caring and using resources wisely. To what I have learned though trainings and experience (see above).