Experience at the Ronald Reagan Library

If I can go back to the Ronald Reagan Library again, I would go back anytime. At first when I found out us as a class was going to this museum, I was already regretting taking this class. I do not like museum because the previous museums I have been to were the worst. They were really boring with terrible tour guides. But at this museum, I judged by a book by its cover. I have learned the significance of the museum and what amazing things Ronald Reagan did when he was in office.

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This picture is a timeline of the first 70 days Reagan was in office. The first day of his presidency he began putting his ideas about government and the economy into practice. To begin controlling the growth of government, he eliminated non-essential travel and cut the number of government consultations. Moving swiftly from January 20th the Reagan administration lifted all energy price controls, began dismantling the council on wage and price stability, and ordered federal agencies to freeze pending regulations for 60 days. If I was the president of the United States, I would also begin throwing out solutions and ideas to help this economy grow and try to lead many years of economic growth.

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This explanation of using energy in a positive way caught my attention us as Americans use energy everyday. In the quote above the picture Reagan said that is is a great opportunity to free America from depending on foreign oil that can be turned off at anytime by people who can use our nation for blackmail and coercion. So Reagan supported the constructions of nuclear and solar power plants so that Americans can depend on energy that is ours. I felt that this was a smart move because personally I cannot depend on anyone else but myself, and he wanted Americans to do the same.

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This picture is one of the things that Ronald Reagan’s wife, Nancy, did when she was the first lady. It was a project called the “Just Say  No” project. This project was a campaign across the country influencing all Americans to fight against drug abuse. The reason why this fascinated me is because she took on a big problem as the first lady and took so many actions. You know when she makes a board game against drug abuse, you know it’s serious. All the trips she took across explaining the negative affects on drug abuse I felt could have convinced anyone to stop using.

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President Reagan’s unshakable lifelong opposition to communism and staunch support of human rights helped free hundred of millions of people around the globe. His “behind-the-scenes” diplomacy was crucial in securing permission for thousands of Soviet Jews to immigrate to Israel. But he also reached out to foreign leaders to secure freedom for individuals held as political prisoners. President Reagan’s commitment echoes to this day in the voices of men and women seeking freedom around the world. This quote interests me because freedom is the best thing any country could have and if Reagan strove for freedom, even in another country, it is amazing.

I feel that the best exhibit for me was the football exhibit. It was so fascinating because I am a huge football fan, whether it is college or pro. I was so fascinated, that I forgot to take pictures of any of the old hall of fame players jerseys, or USC’s championship rings of winning the national title multiple times. Terry Bradshaw, Roger Staubach, Eric Dickerson , and Steve Mcnair were all mentioned in the football exhibit at the Reagan Museum. These players and many others were the greatest pro football players of all time. It was really mind blowing going into this exhibit and this place was the place I spent most of my time in. Also seeing the evolution of the actual football that was used in the games aging back all the was to the 1920’s till now was amazing.

The Ronald Reagan Library was overall really fascinating, and to be honest I would go again and take as many people as I can.