Extra Credit: Group D

Group D Section 3

Group project for the future:

Service Learning Project

Overview: Channel Islands offers a great service learning opportunity through our school. They can get access through csuci.edu on the service learning page about the different opportunities or you could bring in a service learning representative for a quick discussion on how service learning works.

Assignment & Objective: Each group is to pick an organization through service learning that involves group work and communication. No individual service learning (i.e. shadowing elementary students.) The idea is to achieve group service learning like volunteering to feed the homeless or volunteering at an elder home or a cancer walk. They would be given specific hours they have to achieve by the end of the semester, (lets say ten hours.)

Grading criteria: This would involve three due dates: the first being an outline of where the group plans to do their service learning at, when, and how this will imply group communication lessons. The second due date will be a signed form by the service planning instructor they volunteered for, proving they completed the full ten hours TOGETHER. The last being a reflection of how it went and how it benefited their learning experience along with a final presentation on what they did and how it applied any chapters they learned throughout the semester.