Extra Extra…..Read all about it!

Hello and good morning, as we have all heard over the radio, or seen on the news cast, there has been a horrific event taking place in France. Multiple bombings causing thousands of casualties and 129 deaths,(My heart goes out to all of the family and friends of the victims). As most of the readers of this blog know that I am involved in a university and we are digging into social media and how it can be beneficial for everyone. Facebook and Twitter got the call on Friday and they stepped up to the plate and hit one out of the park.  First, just moments after the first attack in Paris occurred, Facebook launched a new feature called the “I am safe” page. People that were in the attack zone were notified that such a page was available and could be used to notify all those friends and loved-ones that they were safe and out of danger. I was at work Friday night when a person at the bar received a notification from Facebook informing her that her friend had checked in and was indeed safe. The new setting that has been introduced by Facebook is a marvel in many ways, it notifies everyone on your friends list simultaneously saving precious time that would be taken by texting or calling each individually, thus getting the information train running much quicker. Also Twitter came through like a champ as it was a major player in the crisis.  As French government put a strict curfew in place and almost a marshal law, many were out on the streets with no-place to go or stay. With word traveling fast of multiple bombing locations, and other areas being threatened, Twitter users all over Paris sent tweets out to direct those in need of personal housing, shelters, or hotels offering shelter for the night. Those caught out in the mayhem were now finding shelter through social media. This is a prime example of how social media can be used for the good of the people and how powerful it has become. I cannot say for sure that lives were saved, but  can say that many slept better that night by either having a place to stay, or knowing that a loved one was alive and safe.

Even though terror has tried once again to break the spirit of the people, the world has shown that the free will can never be broken. The French Red White and Blue is being flown around the world in support of our friends the French, on Facebook, Twitter, lighting on national monuments, capitol buildings and religious figures. The message is clear that we stand together against fear and terror.