F series….

Hey folks,

Its been forever right? well I found the time to try and catch you all up. Its been over a month so im way over due. My time in China has been an amazing experience that goes beyond all doubt mind blowing. Let just say I havent been the best of an adventurer or student that i want to be or should be. Lets start from where I last left off. We jad just ended summer vacation and classes were beginning. Im in level 122 Chinese, which is elementary level 2 but fast learning speed. Oh does it suck, but im proud to say Im learning something new everyday. School back home prepped me for the culture shock, not the difference in learning style. Im not only taking Chinese but Politics, Sino American relations and Kung Fu.

So Ive been on a crazy figure out the city hunt these past couple of weeks. Ive been looking for food, fun, facts and flipping china to my style.

First couple weeks started out usuals with early morning classes, afternoon hunts for food and evening rest, study, movie time. All of us began what I like to call class seperation during this time, cliques were created, levels of chinese speakers split people down the line. Lets just say after beijing many of us had trouble just finding stuff to do all together. Luckily, My roommate and I have no real ties and we try our best to hang out with everyone but I usually have my go to people.

Weve been shopping all over chengdu and splitting in small search groups to find the local life.

Early on we discovered that to enjoy the city you gotta follow the local trends so a couple of us bought some used bikes and oh how they have definitely earned their weight in 20 dollars. We found markets like walmart and 7 eleven, but called Trust-mart and wowo.

Weve also seen places like 85 degrees bakery, which I must say Chengdu is definitely up there for sweets. And Amazing American expats bringing american food to the chinese audience.

Ill do a Separated 2nd post as this one is long enough but ill add more pictures.

Thanks for keeping updated, this was a post I must Say a GRAND BIG THANKS TO THE FAMILY FRIENDS AND FOLKS Ive met at San Diego Pride. All that you do, will show brightly. SHare this new post to others if your reading.